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Description: C词法分析器实现,AOE网络算法实现,KRUSKAL算法实现,PRIM算法实现,计算机图形学影线填充算法(键盘坐标输入),计算机图形学影线填充算法(鼠标输入),人工智能A*算法实现的C语言程序-C lexical analyzer to achieve, AOE network algorithm, KRUSKAL algorithm, PRIM algorithm, computer graphics hatched filling algorithm (keyboard input coordinates), computer graphics hatched filling algorithm (mouse input), Artificial Intelligence A* algorithm The C Programming Language
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: prim算法-prim Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: arthur | Hits:


Description: 用Prim算法求最小生成树-Prim used for the minimum spanning tree algorithm
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structs数据结构算法集锦

Description: 数据结构算法集锦:包括大量常用算法,如求两数的最大公约数、素数的求法、Prim算法、Kruskal算法、最短路径、Dijkstra 算法、排序相关算法、高精度计算相关算法-algorithm data structure highlights include : large common algorithms, such as for the number two majors, for the prime numbers, Prim algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, the shortest path, the Dijkstra algorithm, scheduling algorithms, high-precision calculation algorithms, etc.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 美美 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPrim1331

Description: 此程序使用最小生成树Prim算法。用户输入图的输入文件名,程序读此文件,并调用MinSpanTree()为图建立最小生成树。输出包括树的总权及其顶点和边的列表。-This procedure use the Prim algorithm. The user input the filename of the chart, the procedure reads this document and transfers the chart to Minimum SpannirngTree with MinSpanTree () function. Output the table including tree s total power and its apex and side.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 小山 | Hits:

[Data structsPrim_gao

Description: Prim 算法寻找最小生成树,用C语言实现,有完整的注释!-Prim algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree, using C language, a complete Notes!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gao | Hits:

[GUI Develop普里姆算法

Description: 利用prim算法来计算最小生成树,对于数据结构学习者有很大帮助,利用邻接矩阵来存储图-Prim algorithm used to calculate the minimum spanning tree, the data structure for the learner is very helpful to use the adjacency matrix storage plan
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: 赵麟 | Hits:

[Data structsPrim算法构造最小生成树 

Description: 数据结构中的prim算法构造最小树的算法。课程作业要求-data structure constructed Prim algorithm of most trees algorithms. Courses operational requirements
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: emma | Hits:

[Other最小生成树 prim算法

Description: 这是一个用prim算法来得到最小生成树的程序-This is a prim algorithm used to be the minimum spanning tree procedures
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yue | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDFS※Prim

Description: 用普里姆(Prim)算法构造最小生成树;图的DFS算法的非递归遍历函数。-with Primbetov (PRIM), the minimum spanning tree algorithm constructs; Map of the DFS non- recursive algorithm traversal function.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 贾德 | Hits:

[SQL Serverprim_rar

Description: prim算法 是一个比较常见的求最小生成树的算法,它用贪婪准则来编写算法的!-prim algorithm is a more common for the minimum spanning tree algorithm, which used to prepare guidelines for the greedy algorithm!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: louy | Hits:

[Fractal programwork2z

Description: 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++语言编写,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下调试通过。压缩包内的Graph.h文件包含所有的库函数,其调用接口见程序内注释。其他的文件是用来测试算法的测试程序,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下编译运行。 该算法是我为参加ACM/ICPC竞赛而准备的资料,由于竞赛的对编程速度要求较高,所以为了将代码写的短一点,为了便于调试,代码的写的并不是最优的。 虽然该代码在VisualAge C++ 4.0下写成,但是很容易将其移植到MS Visual C++上。 - -graph theory is the C language code as graph theory algorithm library, including the following algorithm : single source Dijkstra shortest path algorithm for single-source shortest path Bellman-Ford algorithm youngest generation Prim algorithm for each tree node on the shortest path between Flod- Warshall algorithm language C compiler platform Vi sualAge author starfish 4.0 C (starfish.h @ china.c om) Remarks procedures using C language, VisualAge C 4.0 debugging through. The compressed file contains Graph.h all library functions, procedures call interface see Notes. Other documents are used to test the algorithm testing procedures, the VisualAge C compiler running under 4.0. The algorithm is to participate in the ACM/ICPC contest and the preparation of information, because the competit
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structsprim

Description: prim算法的原理利用 prim算法构造最小生成树。有机的应用prim和数组存储生成树。-prim algorithm using the principle of Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm prim. Application of organic prim and storage arrays spanning tree.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: chenweihuan | Hits:

[assembly languageprim

Description: prim算法:可以从任意结点出发,找出与之相连的最小权值的结点,连接,把连接后的结点看成是一个整体,和其他的结点的权值比较,再找出最小权值的结点连接,然后将连接上的结点再看做一个整体,依次类推,直到所有结点全部连接上 代码、测试数据。-prim algorithm: You can start from any node to find the smallest connected node weight, connectivity, the connected node as a whole, and other nodes of the right value, and then find out the smallest weight node to connect, and then connect the node to do a whole look, and so on until all nodes all connected to code, test data.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 郭羽儇 | Hits:


Description: 最小生成树是数据结构中图的一种重要应用,它的要求是从一个带权无向完全图中选择n-1条边并使这个图仍然连通...为了得到最小生成树,人们设计了很多算法,最著名的有prim算法和kruskal算法。-Minimum spanning tree data structure is an important application of graph, and its request is from a weighted undirected complete graph to select n-1 edges and the graph is still connected ... in order to get minimum spanning tree, it is designed a lot of algorithms, the most famous are prim algorithm and Kruskal algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 0000 | Hits:


Description: 算法分析与设计,基于随机生成的无向图的prim算法实现-Algorithm Analysis and Design, based on randomly generated undirected graph of the prim algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: dk liu | Hits:

[Data structsprim

Description: 掌握Prim算法的特点,学会用Prim算法构造最小生成树 如果无向连通图是一个网,那么它的所有生成树中必有一棵树的边的权值总和为最小,我们称这棵生成树为最小生成树。在Prim算法中,在图G=(V,E)(V表示顶点,E表示边)中任选一点V0,令集合U={V0}为初态,从V0出发寻找与U中顶点相邻(另一顶点在V中)且代价最小的边的另一顶点V1,并使V1加入U,即U={V0,V1},同时(V0,V1)边加入集合T中(T的初态为空),这样不断地扩大U,直到U=V,则T中即为最小生成树的边。 -Grasp the characteristics of Prim algorithm, learning algorithm constructed by Prim minimum spanning tree if the undirected connected graph is a network, then it must be all the spanning tree in the side of a tree weight value sum for the smallest, spanning tree, we called for minimum spanning tree. In the Prim algorithm, in Figure G = (V, E) (V said vertex, E said that edges) in one point V0, the collection U = (V0) for the initial state, starting from V0 to find the adjacent vertex of U (another vertex in V in) and the cost of the other side of the smallest vertex V1, and V1 to join U, namely U = (V0, V1), at the same time (V0, V1) to include in the collection side of T in (T of the initial state is empty), this continues to expand U, until U = V, then T is the minimum spanning tree in the side.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用matlab语言编写的最小生成树的prim算法的通用源程序。-Using matlab language prim
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 郝立颖 | Hits:

[Windows Developprim

Description: prim算法的vc++实现,适合初学者好好学习,愿与朋友们一起进步-prim algorithm vc++ realize is suitable for beginners to study hard, willing to progress together with friends
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: wyl_1113 | Hits:


Description: 最小树算法中的prim算法,本例是通用源码-Minimum spanning tree algorithm prim algorithm, in this case is a universal source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: songzhigong | Hits:
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